heloo !

assalamulaikum !
lama ta update kan kan kan ?
busy proses pindah sekolah ;(
and finally ! dah berjaya berpindah ke bdawi , esok baru nk pg sekolah tu .
Rase tkot pn ade ni ;(
huwaaa .

actually nk story about edit edit PICTURE !
skrg dah addict dgn meng-edit pictures ! 
haha :D
so spe2 nk edit pic .
tell me okey ?
nk tgk hasil edit saya ?
kjp kjp .

LOADING ......

For couple:)

(imej bergerak )

with text and all of that ~

hee kalau tak lawa , jgn sbuk kutok okey ? just leave my blog :0 kalu suka , Just cntact me on fb ;) or leave a msg on my shoutbox !